直播吧12月16日讯 1899年12月16日,AC米兰足球俱乐部正式成立。今天是AC米兰成立121周年的纪念日,俱乐部官方发布了百余年来队徽演变的视频。
2021年3月30日,国际米兰正式发布了其全新的视觉标识 ,传递了俱乐部创始以来的价值观,也进一步强化了她与米兰城之间的联系。新队徽将于2021/22赛季正式启用,设计上通过俱乐部名称的首字母“I”和“M”,凸显国际米兰自身以及英文“I am”表达的中深层内涵。
MILAN, 30 MARCH 2020 - Inter is today unveiling its new visual identity, which extols the club's founding values and reinforces its bond with the city of Milan. The launch of the new logo, which will be used as of the 2021/22 season, has been celebrated with a narrative that plays on the initials of the club’s name – I M, from Internazionale Milano – to harness the English expression “I am”.
国际米兰通过升级品牌视觉标识,面向愈加追求数字化且审美更加严苛的受众,以触达全球范围内广泛且不同年龄层次的用户群体,将自身打造成文化及体育领域的独特标志。视觉升级是为了增强国际米兰品牌在现有球迷群体之外更广泛人群中的辨识度,并与之产生连接。同时,让俱乐部自创立以来的特质为全球年轻一代所认同,包括其海纳百川的价值观,独特的风格以及创新意识等 。
Inter has moved to revamp its visual identity to open up to an audience that is increasingly digital and sensitive to aesthetics, to reach global targets and different age groups, and establish itself as an icon of culture as well as sport. The aim is to make the Inter brand relevant and recognisable beyond its fanbase and to allow a younger and international audience to identify with the values of inclusion, style and innovation that have characterised Inter since its foundation.
本次队徽的演变从俱乐部的历史中汲取了大量的创作灵感;国际米兰创始以来的价值观 从未改变,既保留了蓝黑忠实拥趸们所认同的历史和精神情感,也强调了其与米兰这座城市之间的连接 ,这种连接不仅在于俱乐部根植于米兰,也在于国际米兰体现了这座城市的价值观:对国际化和创新精神的执着追求,持续探索变革。
The evolution draws a great deal of inspiration from the club’s roots; the founding values of Inter remain front and centre, preserving the historical and emotional spirit with which its most loyal supporters identify, and emphasising the bond with the city of Milan. This bond is about more than Milan being the home of the club, because Inter also embodies the city’s values: the international spirit and the predilection for innovation and continuous change, without betraying its essence.
以更加极简及流线型的外观呈现,俱乐部的新队徽是对俱乐部历史符号现代化的解读 ,保留初始版本历史延续性的同时,更加符合大众娱乐化时代的需求。
The new logo is a modern reinterpretation of the club's historic symbol, in a more streamlined and minimalist guise. While maintaining continuity with the original version, the new symbol is a more suitable fit for the age of entertainment.
外观上,新队徽遵循蓝黑军团的传统,围绕自乔治-穆吉亚尼初始设计版本中字母“I”和“M”两个核心元素,以经典的同心圆为框架进行设计。同时,字母F以及C仍保留在俱乐部的名称和标识之中:FC Internazionale Milano 。尽管队徽的图形被简化,但强调了国际米兰未来的发展方向-不只是一家足球俱乐部 。颜色上,依旧采用了1908年3月9日蓝黑诞生之日的色彩,并将其变得更加明快生动。
The focus is on the letters I and M, which have been preserved from Giorgio Muggiani’s original design and are framed by the classic concentric circles, as per Nerazzurri tradition. The letters F and C, meanwhile, remain in the name and identity of the club: FC Internazionale Milano. While the logo’s graphics have been streamlined, amplified are the areas in which Inter will be able to develop – a football club, but not only that. The colours remain those chosen on the night of 9 March 1908, made more vibrant and vivid.
新的队徽由国际知名的视觉设计工作室Bureau Borsche 团队操刀。
The task of designing the new logo was entrusted to the Bureau Borsche team, a leading graphic design studio of international standing.
俱乐部全新视觉标识的内涵将通过一系列IM(也被读作I am)主题相关的影像素材进行诠释及表达,试图将国际米兰全新的视觉形象与当代语言相结合:I M Football Club Internazionale Milano.
The story of the club’s new visual identity is to be told through a collection of photographs accompanying the expression I M, read as “I am”, which seeks to contextualise Inter’s new visual identity with contemporary language: I M Football Club Internazionale Milano.
“I am”清晰的传递了俱乐部的价值取向,同时也满足了自我表达的需求,让每一个球迷都有机会去描绘属于他们的特质。
The expression “I am” is used to directly communicate the values and inclination of the club but also serves as a hook to describe the essence of every Inter fan without any distinction.
The I M narrative stems from a journey through the corners of Milan, a city that shares with Inter a strong historical component, is emblematic of tradition and innovation, culture and style, and uses its values and character as the base upon which to build its future. The narrative is told with the help of personalities from the spheres of sport, entertainment and culture, who make appearances as we tell the story of this significant change.
The current logo will be used on the Inter jerseys until the end of the season, before being replaced when new lines are launched for the start of next season.
与新标识一起发布的还有相关的系列产品。即日起,IM独家系列 在国际米兰官方商店正式发售。这是俱乐部更换新队徽之后的第一个限量产品系列。该产品系列包括T恤、运动衫、两款不同INTER字样的围巾,球迷可以立即体验品牌全新升级之旅。
Together with the new identity, a dedicated capsule collection has also been created to appeal to all groups of fans. From today, the exclusive IM Collection is available on the official Inter store. It is the first limited edition product line with the club's new visual identity. The product line includes garments such as t-shirts and sweatshirts, two different scarves with the new INTER wordmark, so that fans can start properly living this evolution.